Thursday, August 16, 2007

Stampeding into Calgary!

Today marks the beginning of our two-day short course entitled Aquifer Testing for Improved Hydrogeologic Site Characterization Featuring AQTESOLV and the In-Situ Level TROLL at the University of Calgary in Canada. I'm extremely pleased to report that we reached maximum capacity in our first-ever attempt to conduct this course outside the US. Kudos to Aquatic Life and the Midwest Geosciences Group making this groundbreaking course a great success!

I'm joined in this course by two distinguished colleagues, Jim Butler (Kansas Geological Survey) and Chris Neville (S.S. Papadopulos & Associates). Today, we're covering slug tests through a combination of lectures and computer exercises involving AQTESOLV. As I compose this blog entry, Jim is describing the application and advantages of the pneumatic method of initiating slug tests which is still a new technique for many practicing hydrogeologists. In his lectures today, Jim will present many new tidbits of practical advice from his ongoing research that are not included in his book The Design, Performance, and Analysis of Slug Tests (Butler 1998).

In the afternoon, Jeff Simpson from Aquatic Life will demonstrate the application of pressure transducer equipment in the performance of slug tests and stress pitfalls to avoid when conducting these tests. Following Jeff's presentation, I'll lead the class through the hands-on computer analysis of slug tests using AQTESOLV.

It's a great day and great venue here at the University of Calgary. Many thanks to all those who came to attend the course!

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